Environment Consultancy
"JP envirotech", are a valued organization in the field of Environmental Engineering Consultancy, such as:
- Environmental Monitoring.
- Hydro-geo Logical Survey.
- Public health Engineering.
- Consent to Opesate.
- Consent to Establish.
- Environmental Clearance.
- Hazardous Solid Waste Management.
- Environmental compliance.
- Environment & Architest Services.
- Environmental Impact Assessment.
Design / Calculations for Water Supply, Sewage Drainage,Storm Water Drainage, Rain Water Harvesting, Solid / Hazardous Waste Management, Waste Minimization, etc.
Supervision of civil / mechanical works for Treatment Plants.
Development of Environmental Management Systems(EMS) and assistance related to obtaining ISO 14001 Certification.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) assignments.
- Drawing Service